Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"It Could All Be So Simple" (74/90)

Mondays are the long days; 10 hours on campus plus another hour and twenty-five minutes for the commute.

It’s a little after 11 now and I’ve been home for less than 20 minutes. But, I’m already in PJs and under the covers, which really means nothing considering I’ve still got three things to work on before I give in.

I’m not complaining though, because it’s been a good day.

The stress and anxiety that held me last week has released its grip. There is still stress and anxiety, but there is also excitement; a palpable excitement, and that makes everything a little—a lot, actually—better.

I found myself enjoying the little distractions that kept me from my to-do list today, knowing that they would only add to my time working tonight. But they were worth it, each of them. From the chats with friends, in real life and on the social networks, to the long walk for my spinach salad at lunch to catching up (a little at least) on my Google Reader.

I’ve learned that I can’t cut out the simple pleasures, the ones that on weeks like these I find hard to justify, because they take time that I don’t have. But, they keep me sane, and they keep me pleasant. Both of which are very important in the grand scheme of things.

And I’ll need them this week especially.

The week is full of deadlines. On Wednesday is the 12- page campaign critique which I’ve yet to finish but am feeling pretty confident about. Then I’ll switch gears and start the 6,000-7,500-word Marketing paper due on Friday. Which brings us to IPRLS, the event that my Cardinal Communications team has been planning all year. I won’t include the meetings and other smaller assignments that will fill in the gaps.

The graduation planning is off to a great start. I did a lot of running around today searching for the cap and gown and graduation announcements, calling my Mom at every stop. Which is something new for me, calling and asking for help. Letting her help. I’ve even begun to wonder if we’ll start talking every day. Something we’ve never done, even when we lived together.

But, I digress.

On the last call, she informed me of the list for the announcements that she’d built with my grandmother. Zero to 40 in 20 minutes, not including the “& family” added to the names of the matri/ patriarch or the people that I may want to invite.

My grandma also suggested that my picture be on the graduation cake, which I think is tacky and refused for five minutes while on the phone with my mom.

“Just give a little, bend a little,” she replied.

Which means I lost that battle.

But it wasn’t a battle really, because my mom was right. NOT about the cake, but about the giving and the bending.

Which is how I’ll get through this week, and the next three weeks. And I’ll be counting on the excitement, and the distractions. 


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